SHOE Gatherings from Members for Members :: It's so easy to meet new friends
That's the slogan under which already several SHOE Gatherings / Parties have been organized by SHOE members in their own town. They have been happening in many parts of the world. In USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria.
SHOE Gatherings give members the possibility to engage themselves in the lesbian community and meet new friends in an easy fun enviroment. You too can organize your own SHOE party in your town.
Don't forget: These boots were "not just" made for walking ;-) Let's Party!!!
Have fun SHOEs!!!!!
What are SHOE Meetings?
SHOE Gatherings are meetings from SHOE members for SHOE members. It's a fun way to meet new friends and finally meet the people you have so far only spoken online to. No SHOE gatherings in your area? Take initiative and start your own! To start with, it's best to send an email over the SHOE mailinglist to see if people are be interested.What happens at a SHOE Meeting ?
You will meet lots of lovely and interesting new women and have a fabulous time. You will find new friendships and who knows... maybe even the love of your life.What you'll do at those SHOE Gatherings is up to you! You can just meet up to go to the cinema, go to a concert together or go to somebody house for a fun BBQ. Of course, you can also plan something bigger! How about a whole weekend? Go clubbing, go skiing or go on an adventure trip. You do not need to arrange hotels or sleeping possibilities - however it would be nice if you could provide your fellow SHOEs with hotel information or even a couch to sleep on ;-)
Before you start organizing a SHOE Party, you have to inform SHOE and get their OK!!Under NO circumstances may any SHOE party be used for financial gain. You may not charge any money for this party except to cover your costs.
» Pictures from past SHOE parties can be viewed in our Photo Gallery .Contact
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact: SHOE-Team