Many of you have probably wondered over the past couple of weeks, why their buddies were so inactive on SHOE.
Of course your buddies were not to blame! It was a bug which prevented the display of the activities under
Good news though! We have finally managed to solve this problem :-)
In addition to this, we have added a new tab called:
Reminder. You will find the following information there:
- When your SHOELaces will run out
- How many unread messages you have in your message center
- How many pending Buddy Requests you have
If you have any unread messages in your Message Center and/or have any pending Buddy requests which you have so far not approved/disapproved, the tab will appear in red.
For your information: The Photo Gallery is still not working properly. We are working on this and hope to give it the green light asap. We thank you for your patience :-)