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Home » Surprise your SHOE Buddy on Valentines Day

Surprise your SHOE Buddy on Valentines Day

Got a crush on one of your SHOE Buddies but daren't taking any action? We'll help you! How about giving your favourite SHOE Buddy a SHOE Membership Upgrade for Valentines Day? You can do so anonymously and even save 50% off regular rates.
All you need to do is go to the Membership Upgrade Site and select: "Make a Gift".

You can choose to make this gift anonymously - in real Valentines Day Tradition - or if you feel courageous at the last minute and put your name on it. It's up to you! Either way, you'll make someone special smile ;-)

Of course you can take advantage of our 50% off Valentines Day Special yourself and get a Membership Upgrade to enhance your SHOE Adventure.

For more Information click here: Membership Upgrade

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