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Home » SHOE @ Zurich Pride Festival 4th and 5th June 2010

SHOE @ Zurich Pride Festival 4th and 5th June 2010

For the past 12 years we have attended the Zurich Pride Festival (Switzerland). So of course, we'll be there again this year too with our fabulous blue TOTALLY GIRL POWERED tent! Come and visit us :-)
As of Friday, 4th June 5pm we will be happy to welcome you at our SHOE TOTALLY GIRL POWERED Stall.

Lesben und Gay Pride Stand

We'll be selling everything to make YOUR pride even more colorful. From Flags to Feather Boas, from T-Shirts to Rainbow Necklaces, from Pride Mardi Gras Chains to Rainbow Lanyards, Key Chains, Stickers ... the list is endless ;-)

If you happen to be in Switzerland around that time, please make sure to visit us! We'd love to meet you :-)

Of course, you can get all the exclusive SHOE Streetwear (Trousers, Jackets, T-Shirts) and Pride Stuff at our SHOE Online Shop. Click here:

See you there!
Your SHOE-Team

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