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Home » Finally!! Fab and Sunci are getting hitched!

Finally!! Fab and Sunci are getting hitched!

Whooohooooooooo dear SHOE Nation.... As you know, we always take a little bit longer - but therefore it lasts a lifetime ;-) For the following news we have worked our butts off for the past 13 years *lol*

Since you are our little SHOE family, we wanted you to be among the first ones to know!!!!

Get the champagne out of the fridge - we have something to celebrate *gg*

The SHOE-Team has finally done it... We've got a date for the wedding: 10th September 2010.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh....... LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!! *gg*

And of course we do not want to deprive you of our official video... Turn those loudspeakers up and let's go ;-)

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