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Home » SHOE XMAS WISHLIST: Let us know your wishes

SHOE XMAS WISHLIST: Let us know your wishes

Christmas is coming closer and closer and many of you can't wait to open up all the xmas gifts. But what happens, when you're disappointed because you had hoped for a different gift? However, how was Santa to know, what you had wished for yourself if you didn't let her/him know?
This is why this year we are introducing the SHOE XMAS WISHLIST

The new SHOE Version 7.0 has now been up and running for a whole year. We are convinced, that whilst surfing on SHOE many of you have already made a secret wishlist of what you want changed on SHOE or perhaps even have a new feature wish? ;-)

So this is your chance. Let us know your 3 biggest SHOE wishes you have. It's so easy to do:

Go to the Contact Form
Subject: My Wishlist
and send us your 3 biggest SHOE wishes.

Of course you can also let us know by posting in the forum.

All participating users will get the chance of winning a Membership Upgrade and Shopping Vouchers for our SHOE Online Store. See, it's well worth taking part ;-)

Looking forward to many many many messages and hoping, that Santa might be able to fulfill one or the other of the most requested wishes just in time for xmas ;-)

Let's hear it from you!
Your SHOE-Team

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