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Home » -- Update: 10 April 2012 -- SHOE has moved into the Cloud

-- Update: 10 April 2012 -- SHOE has moved into the Cloud

Dear SHOE Nation, for a while now our SHOE Servers have been playing up. Since the beginning of the year, we have been getting a lot more users but it looks like our Servers Corky and Patsy are being over worked ;-)

Cloud Heaven: SHOE zieht in Kürze um!

Update-- Update: 10 April 2012 --

OMG... there were still some bugs around. Thanks for everyones help in reporting them. We are pretty sure, that now all bugs have been fixed. If you encounter any, please let us know. Thank you!!!

Update-- Update: 12 March 2012 --

Just to let you know, that most bugs since the move have now been fixed. If you still encounter problems when surfing on SHOE, please let us know. Thank you!!!

Update-- Update: 6 March 2012 --

We have moved this morning. All went really well and we are very excited! We thank you for your patience during the move!!! You are the best :-)

Update-- Update: 4 March 2012 --

So now that the new chat is up and running we have been able to concentrate on the move into the cloud again and have set a date for the move:

Tuesday Morning 6th March 2012

This means that SHOE will not be accessable for a few hours. Once the move has been completed, we expect SHOE to run a lot smoother and more stable.

We thank you for your support :)

Update-- Update: 25 Feb 2012 --

SHOE CHAT +++ TODAY +++ HEUTE +++ AUJOURD'HUI +++ SHOE CHAT Get excited now! ;-) New SHOE Chat will be launched in a few minutes!!

Update-- Update: 20 Feb 2012 --

During the preparations for the move into the Couds, we have decided to say goodbye to Apache Webserver and move into the future with the nginx Webservers for increased performance.

Due to the Server change, all configurations need to be adjusted - and because SHOE is not the only Website affected by this move - this takes a lot longer than first anticipated.

The change from apache to ngninx Webservers is a big step into the future but our old chat does not seem to like this change. It would need so many adjustments and it would take forver, so we decided to give you a completely new chat - which will be much better than the old one anyways ;-)

Though this does take a wee bit more time than originally planned we are convinced, that you will appreciate all the changes we are now making for a stable future of SHOE.

In the meantime, please check out our BUBBLES or Forum in order to keep in touch with your fellow sisters.

We thank you!

The tip of the iceberg:

A couple of days ago we had to take down the SHOE Chat as our servers couldn't handle all the accesses anymore. Thankfully, we had already decided at the beginning of the year to make some changes. We will go into the cloud!

For 15 years now we have been running SHOE on our own physical Servers (Corky, Patsy, Violet). There's always something happening with those servers crazy

Either the hard disk crashes, or the power supply unit acts up, or the RAM is going awol... Our best moments were when trying to find a fault with the server after a power cut at the server housing has left ours with an totally inexplicable error. Standing  in the ice cold server room for over 8 hour trying to fix this is pure heaven on earth [sic] ;-)

At all times we have to be on call and more often than not, we are being woken up in the middle of the night by an automatic text message from our server provider, kindly letting us know, that our servers have decided to quit their job... AGAIN!

2012: SHOE is moving!

But no more! We are going into the cloud!

We are in the middle of organising our move from our physical servers to the cloud. We hope to be able to transfer SHOE either this weekend or at the beginning of next week. Unfortunately until then, the chat will remain offline. Obviously during and after the move some minor problems will occur - BUT - we are extremely optimistic and look forward to a more dead weight free (SHOE) Life ;-)

Support SHOE on this move

We are looking forward to being able enhance your SHOE web surfing enjoyment. If you would like to support SHOE financially on this move, you are more than welcome to either upgrade your account or to send us a donation.

We thank you Herzlichen Dank Icon


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