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Home » Zurich Pride Festival: SHOE Shop attends for the very last time after 15 Years

Zurich Pride Festival: SHOE Shop attends for the very last time after 15 Years

On June 15th and 16th we will once again celebrate the annual Zurich Pride Festival. As always, you will find our big blue TOTALLY GIRL POWERED tent covered with Pride items at the festival site. But this time... for the very last time.

Fab and Sunci from the SHOE Pride Shop ( - the only Pride Shop in Switzerland - will be saying goodbye to the Pride Events after 15 years. The Pride preparations always take up a lot of time and energy and... let´s face it, we are just not getting any younger *lol*, which we wish to invest in new exciting projects in the future.

SHOE Pride Shop attending different Pride Events in Switzerland and Germany. It all started with a handful T-Shirts, a couple of Rainbow Stickers and a phone card issued by SHOE *gg*Meanwhile we have over 1´300 items on sale at our Pride Events!

A brief historical review: SHOE Shop at Pride

Sunci & Fab @ CSD Zürich

Fab & Sunci @ Pride Zurich 1998


Sunci & Fab @ CSD Zürich

Sunci & Fab @ Pride Zurich / Eurogames 2000

Sunci & Fab @ CSD Zürich

Fab & Sunci Pride Sion 2001

Sunci & Fab @ CSD Zürich

SHOE Pride Tent @ Europride Zurich 2009


A look behind the scene

Sunci & Fab @ CSD Zürich

Sunci & Fab @ CSD Zürich

Trial run 3 days before the Pride event.

This usually takes up all of our apartment. Mind you, Corky (left) doesn´t seem to mind much ;-)







Our heartfelt Thank You and Gratitude

Fab and sunci would like to THANK the whole lesbian and gay community for their loyalty in the past 15 years. We would also like to expand our thanks and heartfelt gratitude to all the staff and volunteers at these Pride events and thank them for the great collaboration.

Sunci & Fab @ CSD Zürich


We will certainly miss the bustling action on our tent and the many many many lovely faces. Thank you once again for everything!

Link: Got an opinion on this? Let us know in the forum.

Yours truly
Sunci & Fab (SHOE-Team)

SHOE Pride Tent at Zurich Pride Festival: 15 & 16 June 2012
SHOE Pride Tent at Pride Delemont: 30th June 2012

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