Fennel on Dec 25 17, 12:34... and I miss you, love.
I hope you find me soon. I want to have quiet time and long conversations with you. Sipping hot tea and eating Asian food. Sharing books and watching classical music concerts together. I want to hold your hand and play with your beautiful, flowing hair, bathing in your natural scent, a little sun and a little sweat. I want to hear all about you, and to share your joys and sorrows. You love good music and classic literature. You have many interests and lots of energy to share. You are a wonderful person, and you brighten up my day.
I don't know where you are right now. Sorry for not showing up sooner. I am working most days now, my job doesn't pay much but I am saving money so I can hop on a plane and see you in 5-10 years. I'm sorry if that sounds like a long time. I really wish I could see you sooner. I'm already 29 in a few days, and I feel too old to be flirting or playing around. I haven't finished college, but I plan to study when my work schedule allows me. Yes, I am busy, but not too busy to talk with you.
I hope you are doing well and enjoying your life. I hope you are working hard at what you love.
Do you miss me too?