Kat1704 on Feb 19 21, 05:14 (edited: Feb 19 21, 05:54)Hello
I’m Kat, I live in the the US and I’m looking for someone with an open mind as a penpal. In truth, it’s more than a normal penpal I need. I’m in a very fragile part of my life where I need strong emotional connections before anything else. And add COVID to the mix, it’s not ideal right now. My relationship is almost nonexistent, but I’m in no way ready to be physical with anyone right now. So the best for me is finding someone willing to try a strictly email and
chats communication. Once we build on that we can move to phone calls and so on. I need to be able to talk about anything without the fear of being judged. It will be reciprocated. In overall, I’m looking a friend/girlfriend with whom I can really be myself without the complications and the pressure of a physical relationship. I’d like to have intimacy though. Physical relationship (If any at all) can become an option if we get to a place of trust and when we really get to know each other. I know it might seem crazy to most people, but I’m hoping to find a like minded individual willing to try something new. And you never know, it might be the start of something amazing. I’m tired of doing the same thing and expecting different results, it’s time for me to try a different approach. Anyone willing to take a chance, just send me a private message, or drop your email and we’ll go from there. I know this is not everyone’s cup of tea, so I’m only asking the ones courageous enough to try. Let’s take a leap together!
Anyone who’s interested is welcome, I do not care about race, culture, religion or where you live as long as you’re an honest woman, I’m ok with that. So don’t let distance stop you.