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strMailinglistMessage2Queergames Bern - Schweizer Team gesucht
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: D
From: neka on Aug 01 14, 10:58

Ihr lieben,

Uns hat ein Aufruf von den Queergames Bern erreicht, welchen wir gerne weiterleiten möchten:


Nach 2011 und 2012 werden wir in diesem Jahr wieder QueergamesBern durchführen. Zwar mit einem etwas weniger grossen Rahmenprogramm, dafür erstmals mit einem wirklich internationalen Unihockey Turnier. Wir haben Zusagen aus Helsinki, Stockholm und Oslo. Alle gemeldeten Teams sind üblicherweise gemischt (Frauen/Männer).

Jedoch fehlt uns immer noch ein weiteres Team aus der Schweiz. Wirklich cool wäre es, wenn ihr auf unser Turnier erwähnen könntet – es wäre an der Zeit, dass es neben dem Berner Team auch weitere LGTB-Unihockey-Teams geben könnte. (Infos zum Turnier)

Liebe Grüsse

OK Unihockey, GLSBe  
strMailinglistMessage2Non-heterosexual research participants needed
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
From: neka on Feb 27 14, 11:03

Dear SHOE Nation, we have just received this request, which we would like to share with you.
Best wishes,

Your SHOE-Team

From: Kinsey Institute, Indiana University
Name: Laura Holt


My name is Laura Holt, and I am conducting my dissertation research at Indiana University in conjunction with the Kinsey Institute. The purpose of my study is to help researchers understand how women think about their sex lives. We also want to learn about how your relationship and the relationships you have had before may influence how sexually satisfied you feel you are. In particular, we want to get responses from women who belong to groups that are not commonly reached by this kind of research (e.g., conservative or religious women, lesbians, bisexual women). We plan to use the information you give us to help make a measure of sexual satisfaction that all women can use, and to help women like you learn how they can feel more sexually satisfied. The study is completely confidential and no identifying information of any kind will be gathered. You can learn more about the study on the first page of the link below, which also takes you to the study:

Would you please consider sharing the survey with your readers?

Thank you!
Laura Holt, MS
strMailinglistMessage2«warmer mai» 2014 – Beiträge gesucht
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: D
From: neka on Dec 30 13, 15:51

Auch 2014 wird der Mai wieder warm! Dafür wird – wie schon seit 2000 – das lesbisch schwule Kulturfestival «warmer mai» sorgen, das den Begriff Kultur sowohl gross schreibt als auch weit fasst.

Ob Musik, Malerei, Gesellschaftsspiele, Theater, Meditation, Philosophie, Jodeln, Tanz, Literatur, Kabarett, Film, Politik, Travestie, Lesungen, Führungen, Ausstellungen, Mode, Sport und Wissenschaft – das Spektrum lesbischwuler Kultur ist so weit gefächert wie der Regenbogen. Sie ist in unseren Leben so präsent wie die lesbischwulen Beiträge in der allgemeinen Kulturgeschichte und -gegenwart. Und eine möglichst breite Palette aus dem allem will der «warme mai» bieten. Mit Veranstaltungen verschiedenster Art wollen wir das Spezielle der schwulen und lesbischen Lebensart und -kultur ausloten und somit sicht- und erlebbar machen. Dabei können der Informations-, der Unterhaltungs- oder auch der Treffpunktcharakter im Vordergrund stehen. Wir wollen offen für alle Gesellschaftsgruppen sein, ohne Einschränkung bezüglich des gesellschaftlichen Status, Alters, Geschlechts, der sexuellen Ausrichtung, ethnischen Zugehörigkeit oder Lebensform. Dazu brauchen wir aber wiederum Euch, liebe Lesben, Schwule und zugewandte Orte! Aus dem, was Ihr tut und liebt und leistet, sei es beruflich oder aus Liebhaberei, besteht lesbischwule Kultur. Helft uns, das Programm des «warmen mai» 2014 prall, rund und saftig zu machen! Übrigens nehmen wir (wie schon 2013) nicht nur Beiträge aus dem Raum Zürich gerne ins Programm auf, sondern würden uns freuen, Anlässe in der ganzen Schweiz präsentieren zu können. Anmeldungen von Anlässen/Beiträgen können an geschickt werden.

Anmeldeschluss ist der 28. Februar 2014.

Mehr über die letzten Jahre und Aktuelles zum kommenden «warmen mai» findet sich auf 
strMailinglistMessage2AUFRUF: Lesbische Bäuerin sucht Traumfrau
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: D
From: neka on Apr 23 13, 13:57

Angela sucht als erste lesbische Bäuerin in der Sendung "Bauer, ledig, sucht..." ihre Traumfrau. Sie ist eine tolle, sehr sympathische Frau. Schaut euch doch das Portrait von Angela an und bewerbt euch via Webseite von

Die 49-Jährige Angela ist Wahl-Tessinerin. Die Pferdestallbesitzerin fühlt sich oft einsam und ist auf der Suche nach der passenden Frau. In ihrer Freizeit geht sie gerne mit ihren Hunden spazieren, versorgt ihre Pferde, kocht und liest gerne oder schaut auch mal TV. Angela wünscht sich eine Frau an ihrer Seite, die genauso gerne Tiere hat wie sie selbst.
strMailinglistMessage23 Plus TV: Lesbische Bäuerin sucht....
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: D
From: neka on Mar 20 13, 11:27 (edited: Mar 20 13, 11:28)

hallo ihr lieben liebenden,

soeben hat uns dieser aufruf erreicht. wer lust hat, kann sich gerne direkt über anmelden.

ps: viel glück und... nicht vergessen, dein SHOE t-shirt während den dreharbeiten zu tragen ;-))


Liebe Shoe-Team,

Ich melde mich aus der Redaktion von Bauer, ledig, sucht...

Wir haben dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal eine lesbische Bäuerin bei uns in der Sendung, die auf diesem Weg ihre Traumfrau sucht. Angela ist eine tolle, sehr sympatische Frau und wir möchten möglichst viele ebenso tolle Bewerberinnen für Sie finden.

Ich möchte Sie daher auf diesem Wege anfragen, ob Sie nicht den Link zu ihrem Portrait hier veröffentlichen würden oder gar etwas über ihre Teilnahme posten könnten.

Liebe Grüsse

strMailinglistMessage2Radio Moderations Partner gesucht!!!
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: D
From: neka on Jan 24 13, 15:55

hallo ihr lieben,

uns hat folgende aufruf erreicht, welchen wir hiermit gerne an euch weiterleiten. meldet euch bei sam, wenn ihr lust darauf habt )


Hey hallo Lüt. Ned verschreke dasi e Maa ben aber e be eifach gseit uf de suechi nachere Lesbe...

Und zwar gods drum. E chan in nöcher zuekunft dGayradio Sändig en Züri übernäh. En Bern und Zug geds ja scho 2 Gayradio Sendige aber die sind zu 95% uf die Schwule bezoge.

Min gedanke esch gsi das ich dSändig en Züri en Doppelmoderation mache. Ich due de teil für die Schwule zämestelle und mini Partnere macht sGliche eifach für dFraue. Die Sändig wär jedi 2ti wuche am Samstig obig vo 20-22 Metmache chönt jede wo henderem Projekt stoht. Das heist selber theme bistüret Interwivs macht Partys vorstellt usw. Und vorallem bereit esch jede 2 Samstig s Studio zRockä.

Es wäri hammer cool wen der wer würdet könne oder das ergendwie chöntet publiziere schust geds e 3ti sändig für homos ganz ohni Wibleche part. Würdi schaad fende.

Soo e freue mi mal uf dantwort und nice Weekend

strMailinglistMessage2Wieso dürfen solche Hass-Seiten im Netz bleiben???
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: D
From: neka on Oct 04 12, 16:58

Der Text fängt so an: Dirk Bach: Jetzt brennt er in der ewigen Homo-Hölle. Das widernatürliche und entartete Homo-Treiben ist für die menschliche Natur mörderisch. Diese Binsenwahrheit hat sich wieder einmal bestätigt. Und das von einer angeblich katholischen Webseite. Wieso dürfen solche Hass-Seiten weiterhin im Netz bleiben???

Auszug von

Dirk Bach (51) war ein deutscher Komiker. Er pflegte den sprichwörtlichen deutschen Humor. Am 1. Oktober starb er in einem Hotel-Appartementhaus in Berlin-Lichterfelde.

An der Homo-Unzucht gestorben

Bach war ein homosexueller Sittenverderber. Es ist davon auszugehen, daß seine Unzucht ihn so früh ins Grab brachte.

Homo-Perverse haben im Vergleich zur sexuell gesunden Bevölkerung eine um zwanzig Jahre geringere Lebenserwartung.

Ehe-Privilegien für die Homo-Unzucht

Bach setzte sich – statt für deren Heilung – für die ungerechte Privilegierung gesellschaftsschädlicher Homo-Gestörter ein.

Er war Mitglied des antikirchlichen Hasser-Vereins ‘Lesben- und Schwulenverbands in Deutschland’.

In diesem Rahmen forderte er für die von Gott verabscheute Homo-Verkuppelung die gleichen Rechte, welche das deutsche Grundgesetz zu Recht für die Mama-Papa-Baby-Ehe vorsieht.

Der Rest dieses abscheulichen Artikels kann hier gelesen werden.

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strMailinglistMessage2Gesucht: SHOE Bag #20 - Wo bist DU? :-)
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: D
From: neka on Jun 21 12, 10:41

Wir suchen die Nummer 20 von der Secret SHOE Bag Society. Wo bist Du? Leider haben wir Deinen Nick vergessen :-o Bitte melde Dich bei uns!

Liebe Grüsse,
Bag #11 & Bag #12 
strMailinglistMessage2SHOE Member Feature: Bunkers - A Lesbians True Story from the Wa
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
From: neka on Oct 03 11, 17:42

Ok folks, it is time that we start recognizing the signs that indicate when it is time to send people home from a war zone. Oh sure sometimes it is easy, especially when individuals totally lose it and go on a psycho rampage but how can we detect it before it goes that far? Well I think that I have figured it out and if I am wrong so be it, but I don’t think that I am so please… pay attention.

So there I was in my section of the tent, innocently checking my emails, minding my own business, thinking of butterflies, waterfalls, cabins in the mountains, and home improvements when all of a sudden a big voice comes over the base speaker system (commonly known as the voice of God) IDF (indirect fire) impact, shelter in place, dawn IBA (vest, helmet, and weapon.)

Please allow me to translate this for you. Some bad guys decided to take their best guess and shoot off anything from a mortar to a rocket to ak-47 to cotton balls. Here is the kicker folks, the alarms almost always go off AFTER the attack. So, if you live in a tent like I do, you have to run to the nearest bunker with all of your gear on and wait until the voice of God says that it is safe to come out, even though the attack was over when GOD told us to go to the bunker! I think there are only about 100 of us in tents, the other 30,000 are in steel or concrete buildings so as always, I have the best of luck.

Now, the rest of the girls and I get into the bunker with all of our gear on, (and some without shoes on) turn on the light, and pull out the Go Fish cards. Yes Go Fish I mean really, what would you play while waiting out an attack? Can I tell you that it got rough there for a little while when one of the girls kept picking up all the good cards? (I am telling you she was cheating!!!!!!!!!)

When it got to the point that Little One was about to ring one of our necks because she wasn’t winning any of the games, and I had my helmet in my hands ready to throw it at the girl that I swear was cheating, we decided that it would be a good time to switch to crazy 8’s. Oh wait the all clear is called and we are on our way back to the tent (some saying ouch, oh, and damm because of having to walk barefooted on all of these stupid rocks). We put our stuff up, take a breath, get comfy and two minutes later hear the notorious whistle followed by two hits, probably 500 feet from our tent, our stuff has been shaken off our makeshift shelves but Damm it, we refuse to go out again until we hear the alarm, yes the stupid million dollar alarm system designed to warn us of an upcoming attack so that we are protected prior to getting hit. Damm there goes the alarm; we all look at each other and collectively say: “SHIT”.

Ok we grab our gear, computers (screw what the officer’s say about security, we want to chat for crying out loud!), and drinks, then head out… walking. Now we are talking about how stupid this whole thing is because THE ATTACK IS OVER!!!! Seriously what is the point of going to the bunker and putting on all this gear and interrupting what we were doing other than to piss us off at this point? ARGH….. To hell with this crap, when the all clear is called I am leaving my heavy ass gear in this damm bunker and I am not leaving my tent unless it is burning down!!!!! I think the logic of this whole thing is………

Ladies please forgive the interruption however Sparky will not be able to continue with this rant of hers as she is currently being sent to mental health for an evaluation.


SHOE Feature Article submitted by:
About me: I am a pain in the ass ;-)


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Would you like to write feature articles about Lesbian Life and all that comes with it? We are looking for stuff that are FUN to read for lesbians. Every day stuff, relationship stuff, sex stuff, political stuff....

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strMailinglistMessage2SHOE Member Feature: Take Back the Night
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
From: neka on Sep 22 11, 17:48

SHOE has many members, from all over the world... different countries, different cultures, different beliefs and values, different ages, even different sexual orientations, however we all share one huge thing in common WE ARE ALL WOMEN. Take Back the Night, has become an international "movement", women from all over the world are involved, it is about us, and for us, nothing is louder when ppl speak together...

I considered trying to explain in my own words what i want to tell you about, but nothing says it better than here...

Why Take Back the Night?

A woman walks alone down a dark, deserted street. With every shadow she sees, and every sound she hears, her pounding heart flutters and skips a beat. She hurries her pace as she sees her destination become closer. She is almost there. She reaches the front door, goes inside, collects herself, and moves on forgetting, at least for tonight, the gripping fear that momentarily enveloped her life. This scene could have occurred anywhere last night, last year, or even 100 years ago. Historically, women faced the anxiety of walking alone at night and that is why Take Back the Night began.

Over 30 Years of Progress

The first Take Back the Night event in the United States for which we have received documentation took place in Philadelphia in October of 1975. Citizens of Philadelphia rallied together after the murder of young microbiologist, Susan Alexander Speeth, who was stabbed by a stranger a block from her home while walking alone. The first Take Back the Night abroad for which we have received documentation occurred at The International Tribunal on Crimes against Women. The Tribunal took place March 4 through 8, 1976 in Brussels, Belgium. Two thousand women representing 40 countries attended the event. These were the first documented Take Back the Night marches, which occurred as a candlelight procession through the streets of Philadelphia in 1975 and Brussels in 1976.

In other parts of Europe, Take Back the Night began under a different name. After the Tribunal, Reclaim the Night arose in Rome in 1976. That year in Rome, there were a reported 16,000 rapes, and this fueled Reclaim the Night. The movement leapt from Rome to West Germany where women were harassed and assaulted both day and night; they held their first Reclaim the Night on April 30, 1977. International interest in the movement began to grow. The next city to hold a Reclaim the Night event was Leeds, England in November 1977.

The East end of London became infamous from the “Jack the Ripper” killings in the late 1800s. Jack the Ripper murdered at least five women at night, and all were prostitutes. No one was ever charged with the crimes. There was never a safe feeling for women walking alone a night, even before the slayings. Women were attacked on the street in broad daylight, and domestic violence was widely accepted. Then another “Ripper” emerged from the shadows. On July 4,1975 the “Yorkshire Ripper,” Peter Sutcliffe, attacked his first victim. Because both he and Jack the Ripper raped and killed or attacked prostitutes at night, this alias emerged. On May 22, 1981, Peter Sutcliffe was convicted of killing thirteen women and severely beating seven others. During this time, the police encouraged all women to stay indoors at night for their own safety. Outraged, the women of Leeds, England held their first Reclaim the Night event in 1977 in response to these murders and the public’s reaction.

Outside of Europe, Australia and India were also hosting Reclaim the Night events. Australia’s first event was in 1978 to protest abortion and contraception. In Bombay, India, women participated in the first Reclaim the Night in March 1978 after a pregnant woman was gang raped.

Across the Atlantic, the women of North America were not keeping silent. New York held the first North American march for women in 1976; however, it wasn’t until 1977 that the slogan “Take Back the Night” was introduced by Anne Pride as the title of a memorial she read at an anti-violence rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1978, marchers in San Francisco used “Take Back the Night” as their slogan during a protest against pornography. Over the last 30 years in the United States, Take Back the Night has returned its focus to eliminating sexual violence in all forms, and thousands of colleges, universities, women’s centers, and rape crisis centers have sponsored events all over the country.

Canada has also seen its share of sexual violence against women. As a result, Canadian women had their first march for women in 1978 in Vancouver, British Columbia, organized by the “Fly-By-Night Collective”. The Vancouver Rape Relief held Take Back the Night marches from 1980-1985. In 1981, The Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centers declared the third Friday of September the evening for Take Back the Night marches nationwide.

Thirty-three years ago, women started to stand up and speak out against sexual violence under the banner of Take Back the Night. During those years, Take Back the Night became known internationally as a visible way to take a stand against sexual violence, specifically violence against women.

Hope for the Future

Women from New York to India are letting their voices shatter the silence, but there is much to be accomplished in the fight to end sexual violence. Crimes of this nature continue to appear in the news in epidemic proportions. Our movies, our music, and daily news describe another killing, shooting; more abuse, violence and rape. As the history of Take Back the Night continues to be written, its mission to end sexual violence for all remains a beacon of hope for the millions affected by crimes of violence. We have made great strides, but our march is far from over.

The TBTN Foundation

In 2001, Katie Koestner led the initiative with others committed to the mission of TBTN to establish the international headquarters and charitable 501 (c)3 foundation of Take Back The Night. Katie Koestner was the first woman to speak out nationally and publicly about date rape and has personally spoken at over 400 Take Back the Night events throughout North America. Our Board of Advisors represents a cross-section of those who have a long-standing history with Take Back the Night and passion for our cause

if anyone is interested in reading more about it, or where or how you can get involved, here is a good link
Source Text and Photo:

SHOE Feature Article submitted by: echooo
About me: life is not about the amount of breathes you take, but about the moments that take your breath away

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Would you like to write feature articles about Lesbian Life and all that comes with it? We are looking for stuff that are FUN to read for lesbians. Every day stuff, relationship stuff, sex stuff, political stuff....

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