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Home » Message Center Update

Message Center Update

Dear all, we are happy to announce a couple of improvements on the message center. Read all about it here. Always welcoming your feedback and inputs!

Your message to....

Now you can send everyone messages directly from your message center.
Before you could only add users from your buddy list to the recipients field.

We have decided to make this feature available to SHOElaces only for spam protection.

No changes concerning basic memberships. You can still send message from your message center to your buddies. If you would like to send a message to someone who is not on your buddy list, just go to their nickpage and send a message from there. ("Send message" link just below the profile photo).


If your envelope in the blue taskbar below is flashing notifying you of a new message, you can now use right click to open the message center in a new tab or window. This way, you won't loose the page you were on anymore.

Still possible: Sending one message to all your buddies at the same time.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improvements on the message center.
We always love to hear from you :-)

Link: Message Center
Link: Membership Upgrade
Link: SHOE Ideas Pool

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