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Home » New SHOE Server PATSY -- Update 12th January --

New SHOE Server PATSY -- Update 12th January --

-- UPDATE 12th January 9.41am -- Since Wednesday Evening 5th January 2011 we are encountering connection problems to our SHOE server. The problem is so called "Timeouts". They interrupt the connection to the SHOE server approx. all 6 minutes and last for about 1 minute.

--UPDATE -- 12th JANUARY 2011 9.41am

Dear All, finally HAPPY NEWS!!!

The Data Transfer was successfull. The SHOE Site now loads really fast and we have no more time outs. *wohoooooooooo*

This also means, that you can now try the NEW CHAT without encountering any problems. Give it a try! ;-)

Thanks again for your patience!

--UPDATE -- 11th JANUARY 2011 2.35pm

FYI: Yesterday we went to visit our SHOE Babies CORKY, VIOLET AND our latest addition PATSY in order to inspect our servers on site.

As mentioned before, the plan was to move the most important data from our troubled main server CORKY to our new server PATSY. The data transfer was successful - however - the masses of data proofed too much for PATSY. The result is that the SHOE site is lagging or loading very slowly.

Since we have now been able to do some trouble shooting on site, we have found the problem to CORKYs 6 minute timeouts and managed to solve it.

Since noon yesterday, the data synchronization is in process. As soon as this process ends, we will be able to move the data from troubled PATSY back to our good old CORKY ;-)
This should put an end to the timeouts as well as the lagging and slow loading of the SHOE site.

We hope that this will take place tonight or by the latest tomorrow morning.

We thank you for your understanding.

PS: Please, if you like the work we do and you wish to support SHOE financially, please consider upgrading your membership.

We thank you.

-- UPDATE -- 9th JANUARY 2011 1.09pm --

Dear all, Patsy has started her new Job as a SHOE Server a few minutes ago. We wish her all the best *g*

We have just noticed, that the site is slower than usual. We are looking into this as we speak. We thank you for your patience!

-- UPDATE -- 8th JANUARY 2011 5:21pm --

Dear all, just wanted to give you some proof, that Patsy is slowly but surely coming alive:

Neuer Server Patsy

It will still take some time for SHOE to get back to it's usual self, but we are doing very good progress. Heads up, Folks :-)))

-- UPDATE -- 7th JANUARY 2011 --

just wanted to give you an update on the new server story:

luckily - just before everyone goes off into their weekends, the new server has arrived!! *wohoooooooooooooooo*

it already has a name: patsy :-D :-D :-D

getting the new server up and ready to go will take some time. all services need to be installed, data needs to be moved from the old server corky to the new server patsy and with a constant 6 minute time out, we currently have no idea how long this might take :-o

we hope to be able to get back to normal sometime this weekend.
thanks again for your patience. much appreciated!


These timeouts are especially annoying in the chat room, as users will get kicked out of the chat room all 6 minutes.

The problem is a hardware one. So we have immediately ordered an additional server in order to outsource the most important services.

We will continue to keep you up to date and hope for your understanding

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