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Home » Our New SHOE Chat is Online

Our New SHOE Chat is Online

Have you seen it yet? We have a brandnew, fabulous and a considerably easier Chat! No more further Logins and/or Nick Registrations needed. PHEW! One click and you're in! You can also select from different Layouts (Styles), Sounds and much more.
Because the Chat is still quite new and because of all the server problems we had last week, where especially the Chat was badly affected, you might find yourself alone in the chatroom during the day. But don't worry! Stay in there for a while - because someone is bound to pop in sooner or later :-)

Just click on CHAT and start chatting away with old and new friends...

Here's a short overview:

Send a private Message (Whisper)

  • Click on the icon at the top right hand corner, next to the chatters name
  • Send Private Message
  • Message will be displayed in the main window but don't worry, it can only be seen by you and the person you are whispering to.

If you want to exchange further private messages with this user, simply open a private channel (see below).
Otherwise you will have to click on "Private Message"

Open Private Channel

  • Click on the icon at the top right hand corner, next to the chatters name.
  • Open Private Channel
  • Message will be displayed in the main window but don't worry, it can only be seen by you and the person you are privately chatting to.

If you wish do discontinue the private chat, simply close the channel..


B = Bold
I = Italic
U = Underlined
Quote = "Puts your chat message in quotes"
Code = Displays your chat message slightly different
URL = Add Links
Photo = Add Photos
Font Color = Changes font color (To change Font Color permanently, view "Settings")
If your smileys have disappeared after changing the font color, simply click on the tab "font color" again.


You can change a few things in the chatroom, for instance changing the font color permanently, deactivate smilies and more... By clicking on this icon at the bottom right hand side, you can select your personal settings.

In order to have the user list displayed again, click on this icon

Problem Solution

When the chat is pretty full and many messages are posted, it may well be, that the chat is lagging. In that case refresh the browser window or / and enter the following command: /clear

Ignore User

You have the option to ignore users in the Chatroom.
  • Click on the Users name at the top right hand corner
  • Ignore

Report Abuse

Should a chatter be completely abusive or not adhere to the SHOE guidelines, please report this person immediately by:
  • Clicking on the Users name at the top right hand corner
  • Report
Hint: To ensure that we can act as fast as possible, please copy/paste the chatlog in your user report. We thank you.

More Help

For more HELP, please check our FAQ/Help section. Of course you are always welcome to post your question in our User Support Forum :-)

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