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Home » The mobile version of SHOE is now available

The mobile version of SHOE is now available

The mobile version of SHOE is now finally available! SHOE Mobile can be used as of now with any cellphone which has internet connection. Try it right now! It is so much fun!!

SHOE Mobile

SHOE Mobile is finally here!!!

Finally, SHOE goes mobile. This means, that you are now able to surf on SHOE with your mobile phone. You can search, find, browse, blog and even post in the forum. Unfortunately, SHOE Mobile is not yet a proper App, but therefore it has a very user friendly interface for most mobile phones. It has been optimized for Iphone, Ipad and Android.

Most important stuff at a glance:

  • The Internet Address is:
  • You can add a SHOE Icon to your Home Desktop like you would add an App (View how it's done below)
  • Your navigation is at the top right hand corner - always ready at your finger tips
  • www means, that this page has not yet been optimized for mobile devices and therefore links to the "normal" SHOE site
  • Browse photos: This has already been optimized on your Nickpages. The Main Photo Gallery is work in progress

We will continue working on optimizing the SHOE Mobile version for you. Especially the Photo Gallery and Chat. We won't be bored in 2012 either... So don't worry about us  lesben

For further information, Hints and User exchanges, please visit our Forum.


Here's how it's done:

  • Open Safari
  • Navigate to desired website:
  • Tap the Go To icon (icon depicting an arrow that looks like it's trying to get away from a square.)
  • Then select Add to Homescreen
  • Type: SHOE Mobile
  • Save
  • The shortcut to the SHOE Mobile Site will now appear as an icon on your homescreen


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