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Das Vegan Experiment

Im April treten Redakteurinnen und Userinnen der beiden Lesben Platformen SHOE und PHENOMENELLE in einem einmaligen Experiment zu einem gemeinsamen 30-Tage-Vegan-Challenge an.

Wir berichten hautnah von dem persönlichen Challenge in den Blogs oder BUBBLES. Der Spassfaktor liegt an erster Stelle :-D

Weitere Informationen: SHOE Vegan Forum | SHOE News
SHOE Vegan Team

Ich bin - ua. aus spirituellen Gründen - seit über 10 Jahren Ve ... [mehr]getarierin (fleisch- und fischlos, mag bzw. vertrage auch keine Eier(produkte). Ich liebe (zB Ziegen-) Käse & Joghurt, deshalb ist die Umstellung auf eine rein vegane Ernährung für mich bis jetzt nicht denkbar und möglich gewesen. Aber der Vegan Challenge macht mir Mut und stellt mir eine Herausforderung... :-) [weniger]
Ich bin Fleischesserin. Immer wieder habe ich probiert, vegetaris ... [mehr]ch zu leben, aber immer wieder bin ich schwach geworden. Auf die Idee vegan zu leben, bin ich nie gekommen, aber ich freue mich auf Leute, die mich auf neue Ideen bringen. Ich freue mich sehr auf diese Herausforderung. [weniger]
Experiment "VEGAN" ... ich esse gerne Fleisch, auch wenn ich das ... [mehr]immer seltener mache, und auch sonst so das übliche an Milchprodukten oder eben auch Eier. Ab April ist für einen Monat jetzt erstmal Schluss damit, aber ich bin gespannt wie die Alternativen schmecken und ob ich sogar etwas leckeres finde, was ich auch nach der Challenge gern essen werde. Mehr über mich und meine Motivation am Vegan Challenge mitzumachen, kannst du in meinem Blog nachlesen. [weniger]
Ich freue mich auf den Vegan Challenge :-) Ich lebe seit rund 2 J ... [mehr]ahren vegetarisch und seit ca. 1 Jahr hab ich ein "veganes Bewusstsein" ;-). Das heisst, ich verzichte nicht komplett auf alles tierische aber reduziere was geht (ich liiiiebe halt Käse und Eier :-P). Aber es geht sicherlich noch viel mehr! Daher freue ich mich sehr, während der Challenge hoffentlich noch viel mehr Alternativen zu finden. Die Not macht ja bekanntlich erfinderisch *smile* [weniger]

Mache gerne beim Vegan Challenge mit. Was darf ich dann alles Ess ... [mehr]en? ;-))) [weniger]
Ich habe Interesse an dieser Challenge und Lust mich mal einen Mo ... [mehr]nat lang vegan zu ernähren! Ich bin Fleischesserin. [weniger]

Ich mache irrsinnig gerne am Vegan Challenge teil, weil ich schon ... [mehr] länger nach einem Schubs suche, der mich dazu bringt, von Teilzeitvegetarier zur Veganerin umzusteigen. Für die Zukunft sehe ich mich zwar eher als Vegetarierin, aber ich würde es grossartig finden, einen Monat vegan zu leben. Ausserdem habe ich genügend Zeit, um über meine Erfahrungen zu berichten (W-Lan daheim und seit einigen Wochen wieder Single;) ). [weniger]

Ich bin zwar nicht besonders aktiv in der shoe-Community, aber ic ... [mehr]h muss sagen, die vegan challenge reizt mich sehr. Dafür kann ich mir vorstellen, Shoe öfter zu nutzen und auch zu bloggen ;-) [weniger]

Ich hab vor einigen Jahren schon mal vegan gelebt, bin dann aber ... [mehr]doch wieder zum Carnivor mutiert. Deshalb wärs eigentlich mal an der Zeit sich etwas "Grüner" zu ernähren ;-) [weniger]
RyneF am 27. Feb. 14, 20:50
#vegan I have been a vegan for over 2 years and love it! My favorite dishes are tofu scramble, green smoothies, beans and greans with quinoa, and vegan pizza. Good luck on the vegan challenge!

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kscha2017 am 08. Mai 13, 13:03
Just had to update: Kitty cat who was upset when she no longer could share the cow milk from my cereal bowl during #vegan challenge, and who hated the soy milk replacement, this morning took a liking to vanilla almond milk! :)

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carolynmf am 05. Mai 13, 00:06
100% #vegan :) but it's not the same anymore

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kscha2017 am 01. Mai 13, 01:34
A coworker surprised me tonight by asking how my #vegan diet went! I didn't expect anyone to remember. I told her it went great & I was going to stay vegan. She looked at me with great big eyes full of concern & asked, "But what will you eat?" :)

Kommentare (3)


fab am 30. Apr. 13, 22:35
#vegan challenge is officially over! so happy to have done this with you guys. it means so much to me that you've taken on this challenge and i love you for that. *hugs*

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carolynmf am 30. Apr. 13, 22:15
Dear SHOE & all the participants in #vegan month, it's over and I am endlessly thankful to you for this experience. I made it and will continue as vegetarian from now on. I feel great and I look even better. Congrats to you all, vegan girlzzzz!!!!!!!!! xx

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lawaai am 30. Apr. 13, 19:28
taco time!!! #vegan

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fab am 30. Apr. 13, 17:45
global SHOE #vegan cooking session has started! first things first: Cheers, Skoll, Prost to everyone :-)

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neka am 30. Apr. 13, 12:13
We thought it would be a nice idea, to have a global cooking session to celebrate the end of the SHOE #vegan Challenge - whether you have been a participant or not: JOIN US this Tuesday. Info:

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kscha2017 am 29. Apr. 13, 18:20
Finally got around to trying the matter tofu frozen entre which replaces the matter paneer (cheese) entre I love. I'm happy w/ how much the tofu is like the cheese, but they left out the best part - chickpeas - in the #vegan version and added more ginger.

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sunci am 27. Apr. 13, 20:49
It's perfect #vegan burger day!!! whoohooo!!! happy weekend :-D

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neka am 27. Apr. 13, 17:44
We thought it would be a nice idea, to have a global cooking session to celebrate the end of the SHOE #Vegan Challenge - whether you have been a participant or not: JOIN US this Tuesday. Info:

Kommentare (2)


kscha2017 am 26. Apr. 13, 19:10
Still completely in love with my #vegan taco salad. Made two batches last week & got up early this morn to get another started. Today I added bi-color corn. Next time will be mashed chickpeas. Could put this on a whole wheat wrap as a "burrito" too.

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carolynmf am 24. Apr. 13, 12:46
Real english breakfast, #vegan version of it: porridge on water. Tastes great! That was my main meal for breakfast this month.

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lawaai am 22. Apr. 13, 20:08
sis is cooking non #vegan eggs for her hubby, stop looking at me like that eggs!!!! go away!!!!

Kommentare (9)


kscha2017 am 22. Apr. 13, 03:26
Tried farro (wheat), cooked up like oatmeal and topped with a sprinkle of sugar. Very good, especially loved the texture which was almost like pasta. Have a desire to cook up some kind of thick, warm, cinnamon-peach topping for it next time. #vegan

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carolynmf am 21. Apr. 13, 18:11
Another 9 days and I will go to milk a cow. After that I think I can do another #vegan month))

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Daily Nutrients on a Plant Based Diet
Folate: Spinach, kale, arugula, orange juice, beans, beets Calcium: Tofu, edamame, chia seeds Iron: Prune juice, tofu, spinach, kale, soybeans, lentils Vitamin A: Carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach Vitamin C: Broccoli, citrus fruits, strawberries Vita [...] Mehr

SHOE Vegan Challenge - My Summary
[ALIGN=center][img][/img][/ALIGN] wow what an amazing journey it has been. I am so happy, that so many have taken part and stuck with it for a whole month. congratulations to you all :hug personally, I wo [...] Mehr

vegan challenge conclusions
one night to go, we're having vegan taco's tonight, not shepherds pie, sorry! :D the first thing i noticed was that my tongue was cleaner. at the end of the month i must say i had a few hard times, especially egg wise. but i have been thinking, i will n [...] Mehr

SHOE Vegan Challenge - April 30
What I learned during the vegan challenge: 1) non-dairy creamer is ALL dairy but non-LACTOSE. I still am not happy w/ my alternatives as I can't get soy creamer in my area. This I will continue to work on. 2) read the label! read the label! I found chicke [...] Mehr

My Epiphany during Vegan Challenge Month
I was pretty chuffed with myself for about 2 years now for having "woken up" and living my life a lot more consciously. Giving up meat & subsequently becoming a half vegan. I stopped buying water in PET bottles after having seen a documentary Bottled Life Mehr

SHOE Vegan Challenge - April 24
Last night I was flipping through TV channels to get to the news. As I did so, I stopped on a channel showing one of those "reality" series, this particular one dealing with chef school. The cooking students were challenged to create a "protein-and-starc [...] Mehr

SHOE Vegan Challenge - Days 13-23
we've had some amazing food over the last few days! so I want to share some pics with you and hopefully this will inspire you to keep going vegan ;-) Mehr

wwhhhoooa only 8 days to go with no eggs!!!
on the 2nd of may it's my birthday, we're gonna have some indian food, NOT vegan, and then off for a weekend in 2 different hotels,one on the lake on friday and one by the sea on saturday, and i can't wait for the breakfast... eggs!!! eggs!!!!! eggs!!! al [...] Mehr

SHOE Vegan Challenge - Halfway through already!? (With pictures)
It seems like the days have whizzed right before my eyes with pretty much NO hassle. I haven't really craved any real meats or cheeses and my mother was certainly wholly supportive about getting more produce in the house! Hah. Not to mention, my grandmoth [...] Mehr

SHOE Vegan Challenge - Day 11,12
Went food shopping on Day 11. Now we finally have some more exciting stuff to try out. So yesterday I made Penne Pasta (without eggs), red cabbage and a vegan schnitzel and drowned everything in fake cheese sauce. Mehr

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SHOE Vegan Team
i'm up for it!! i'm a vegetarian but totally addicted to eggs an ... [mehr]d i loooove cheese so it will be awesomo in the hard to do department :) [weniger]
Hello! I am not vegetarian, nor vegan. Would love to take a chal ... [mehr]lenge. [weniger]
I love cooking. I love food. I crave chicken. I love to tell peop ... [mehr]le about good food! I would love to blog about trying to go Vegan for 30 days. I am a bisexual activist, currently on a break from activism and figuring the next thing I want to get involved in. I'm dabbling in Spoken Word Poetry in the meanwhile. While I'm at home, I've taken over the kitchen and cook for my mother and me. I do a lot of I have a lot of ideas for meals I would like to cook. I have been wanting to try and see if I could give up meat - I don't think I can.. but I think that this would be the perfect challenge to push me. [weniger]
I've been thinking about going vegan for a while now even though ... [mehr]I've been an avid meat-eater my whole life. I've also been wondering how I can get involved in the community here and writing about this would be a great start, I think. :) [weniger]
I will love to try the veggie Challenges and do what is require t ... [mehr]o obtain the expected goal. [weniger]
I wrote a blog about my motivation for this vegan challenge. Feel ... [mehr] free to click on *blog* below to read about it. Thank You :-) [weniger]
The only reason why I thought about participating was because the ... [mehr] title was qualified with the word 'experiment' in it. However, I do feel that being a vegetarian, I am on an easy road :-D But you know what the real challenge would be in this, that is if one takes it seriously, 30 days of abstinence :-P Have a wonderful day ahead! [weniger]
I am someone who survives on cow milk (3 gallons a week), eggs, c ... [mehr]heese, and white sugar products. However, I am willing to be a participant in the challenge. I am curious about how difficult this will be for me yet also wondering if I will love it and be surprised. Also my birthday is April 10 and I usually make a nice roast beef and cake or pie for myself on that day. This will be an interesting challenge for me all around! [weniger]
I've been a vegetarian for 25 years, & naturally the vegan challe ... [mehr]nge appealed to me.I think realizing the vegan options & substitutes,have made me consider going vegan after the challenge too. All the feedback is remarkable, so it's all thanks to Shoe, & the Shoe members who so graciously contribute info & recipes. Yay Shoe !!! [weniger]

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